
New Exhibition


“Where to next?”

New Painting Exhibition at Shelley House Studios

3rd & 4th December 2022

This year both Jane and I celebrated our 80th Birthdays.

This milestone suggested that perhaps it was time for us to leave our cherished Shelley House which has been our much loved home for the last 42 years.

Very reluctantly we have decided that it may be time to move on.

Hence the title which also applies to my painting and perhaps to life generally!

We hope vou will come and join us.

Parking in the home paddock.

Prices on application.

RSVP michaelcrowe@me.com



Sunset over Shelley 110x140cm.

The Exhibition was a great success. Over a hundred people came over the weekend and 15 paintings were sold !

Poppies delphiniums and cornflowers 40x40cm.

Poppies, delphiniums and cornflowers.

Cistus aguiari 40x40cm Sold

Bee orchids and ladies bedstraw Sold

Phlomis and convolvulus 40x40cm

Dahlias, hollyhocks and buddlijajs 40x40cm

River Brett Late afternoon Sold

Wild flower garden with wild carrot.

Wild flower garden evening light

Apple blossom with wren !

Shelley Bridge floods.

Homage to Tom Sold

Sunset over Shelley Sold

Burnam Overy Staithe Water colour

Ringstead Bay Dorset.

Ringstead Bay Study Black and yellow. Sold

Ringstead Bay Study Blue violet

Ringstead Bay study in black and orange Sold

Perle d’azur ano rose Summer Wine

Lone Birch Courchevel Sold

Towards Gibraltar Water colour

High tide on the River Deben